Monday, 26 August 2013

Real Situations that Demand a Professional Copywriter

Sometimes you are better off doing things on your own –and sometimes it well advised to call in the experience and expertise of professionals in the field.

Read on for some scenarios which make it essential to bring a pro to facilitate your copywriting/graphic design needs.

Accept! You are no Good at it

Powerful impacts can be created only with strong writing skills. So, if you feel that you are finding it difficult to play around with words and are failing miserably in your attempts at writing, then just let go!

Putting in your valuable energy and resources in a task which demands professional expertise can lead to sheer waste of time and money. So, if you hate to press down on keys and your speech recognition software just refuses to generate 100 percent accuracy, then hire a partner or professional to communicate your messages.

You do not Possess the Bandwidth

Okay--even if you like writing, there is a limit to the number of words which you can type or get onto the screen across the day. Marathon writing sessions lead to burnouts and lower productivity in the long run. So, analyse your writing skills and take help if you have more work than you can handle. It fetches you good money and also keeps carpal tunnel syndrome at bay.

The Manta of the contemporary content market—the better you tell: the more you sell, can be best achieved by crafting high quality content which requires authority, customer connects and the right strategies in place. Firms offering professional copywriters and graphic design cairns go a long way in helping you address this cause.

You need a Specialist

Converting fans into loyal customers requires persuasion and specialized writing skills.

For example, you may need access to experts for writing white papers, organizing professional web content or creating a web presence which ranks higher on search engine tools. The benefits of hiring experienced people in the field are plenty and prove to be more cost-effective and profitable in the long run.

You Lack Objectivity

Being too close to the topic on hand can cause a microscopic analysis of the writing requirements. It is indeed difficult to be objective /neutral about your own business requirements. A customer does not need to know everything on your radar and needs a more carefully researched insight into your products, efforts and services.

Real customer feedbacks, survey responses, interview results and other ways of tracking client requirements can provide a copywriter with real feelings of your customers—leading to more specific information and content related to your web presence.

As a last word, having professional copywriters in place is important, but as a business owner—you are ultimately responsible for your own story.

Mobile Friendly Websites Need Future-Proofing

Future –proofing your website to take care of the rising demands of users is not as difficult as you think. With businesses adapting their online presence to cater to consumers with all sizes of screens—ranging from tiny mobile handsets to large living room TV screens; responsive sites are certainly an order of the day and easy to replicate on your own.

Read on for some vital steps which make the process of building websites for mobile devices affordable and more convenient than before.

Bring About Adjustments in your Existing Website

With more than a billion people accessing their business requirements, needs and purchases from mobile devices, the contemporary ways in which you should showcase your products and services have certainly gone through a paradigm shift.

So, take a pause to pull up your existing website on your smartphone or GoogleGoMeter. You would instantly know where and why you need to change. Larger font sizes, simpler page designs, placing critical information “above the folds” and including large touchable buttons are the simplest ways of optimizing your site for mobile display.

The trick is to include all the relevant information at places which are easy to find and desist from placing content/graphics/audio/video which take a long time to load or do not add further value to the page.

Create Parallel Versions of your website

Instead of making edits to your existing website, you can plan a mobile friendly website on a parallel scale. Smart and user-friendly mobile-site-design services come to your rescue and help you add functionalities and features which make your website accessible on portable devices.

A link from the main website to the parallel one is a cost effective alternative for bringing mobile device users into the loop and making sure that they also benefit by your presence.

Rebuilding your Website

Websites for mobile devices can be crafted by using high ended adaptive website designs which require large investments and provide you the maximum reach and audience. They are capable of detecting and identifying the device of the user and generating web pages which match the display capacities of the same.

On the other hand responsive website designs are more affordable in nature and use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) which auto adjusts to display web pages on the screen of mobile phones and other smart-devices. These pages allow you to reach the most active online audience and provide easy readability and interaction facilities.

Making your Mobile Friendly Website Future-Proof

As you go about transforming your website to make it more mobile friendly, remember to include designs which are capable of working on a wide variety of screens. DIY platforms such as GoDaddy and WordPress make your website more responsive and future-proof by including smart plug-ins, extendible themes and innovative designs.

Invest in technology and make your clients save time and connect with your advantages.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Make your Online Impact Felt -The Right Way

It’s a point that needs no further mention—every business requires a customized and business specific web presence in today’s world.

This is one of the most critical assumptions which guides the hiring of a freelance web designer and makes a marked difference in the way the world looks at your products/services. Here are certain inputs which help you understand the reasons behind investing in a more power packed website.

What does your Competitor’s Website look like?

Take a closer look at your competitors and analyze the ways in which they make their presence felt. In order to stand above the herd, you need to make your website more engaging, visually appealing and unique.

A freelancer experienced in small business web design will go through all the “bells and whistles” which can make your site look different and include the ones which add value –in a convenient and cost effective manner. They create a look which is far removed than those of your competitors and make sure that their designs attract, influence and retain customers. So, steer clear of website templates and amateurish looking portal designs and make your online presence all the more exclusive and worthwhile—with properly strategized themes, plug-ins and applications in place.

Identify the Benchmarked Industry Standards

After getting an insight into the websites published by your competitors, you need to get a feel of all the current and prevailing industry standards linked with professional website designs.

Note the presence of interactive add-ons, pop ups, flash elements, integration of themes and designs, usage of plug ins and content management systems. For example, if you see info graphics and billboards dominating your screen space instead of subtle links in the side panels, then you must prepare yourself to integrate these features which dominate most websites in your industry.

Customized web sites designed by an expert freelance web designer can add extensive upgrades and various add-on features to make your site more featured, functional and powerful. Go in for one!

small business web design – Budget and Time Constraints

When it comes to choosing the ideal website design solution for your business, you must be careful in choosing designs which sync with your time and budget constraints. Making a careful assessment of the time required for creating an impactful web presence is as important as deciding upon the affordability of the design which you have in mind.

Experienced professionals are adept in streamlining your requirements with your budgeted means. They take pride in serving the best results for your website and helping you increase the overall traffic, productivity and applicability of your website.

So, are you ready to trigger off your web-designing process; the right way?

Hiring the Best Small Business Bookkeeping Services

Are you interested in hiring the best small business bookkeeping services to end your financial woes and address your accounting issues? Third party business accounting firms come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. It is therefore important to do a proper research and select the very best services or your needs.

How do you zero in on the right firm?

Key Features Required for your Business Accounting Needs

  • A firm of accountants and administrative assistants who are well versed in planning taxation schedules and proper handling of accounting processes.
  • Proper business and accounting ethics to make sure that the accounts are prepared in a foolproof manner and do not attract any legal hassles in future.
  • Timely preparation and submission of tax returns and related accounting documents.

  •  Are Smaller Bookkeeping Firms Better than Larger Accounting Organizations?

    Larger and well established accounting firms come equipped with sophisticated infrastructural facilities, higher levels of software support and a range of accounting services. However, as a small business owner, you should look towards accounting services which do not create a dent in your pocket. Larger firms may help you take care of your day-to-day accounting needs, but they are costly and can put you on their list of “expendable” clients—due to your smaller volumes of profits and transactions.
    Smaller accounting firms are more responsive to your business needs and prove to be cost-effective in the long run too.

    Are Small Business Bookkeeping Services Accurate?

    In spite of being small in size, reputed bookkeeping service providers guarantee high levels of accuracy—which may not equate to money back transactions. They understand the financial consequences of your tax returns getting rejected due to improper filing of accounts and other accounting information. However, to be on the safer side, you should research on their past history of timely as well as accurate submissions of financial reports, the nature of services provided by the firm, dependability of online support systems and the facilitation processes provided by qualified auditors/accountants connected with the firm.

    If all these services seem to be in place, then you can go ahead and sign the bottom line with the small bookkeeping firm selected by you.

    Presence of Ongoing Support is a Must

    Though most business undergo the stressful season for return filing and taxation just once/twice a year, consistent online support is important to procure accurate and well organized financial statements and accounts when required. Proper pre planning goes a long way in alleviating the efforts required in the timely preparation of tax returns.

    Adequate consideration of these essential factors helps you complete the process of hiring the best bookkeeping services for your accounting needs.