Monday, 20 May 2013

Big ! is Not the best for Mobile application Logo Design Cairns

Logo design needs to begin with a great idea or concept, sketched with some visuals to fetch life into it. Graphic design Cairns firms say that the toughest challenge is in the application logo to be conspicuous amongst thousands of other designs.
As individuals, we are accustomed to perceive that big sizes at all times are better. The element of size for us authenticates boldness, and an intrinsic value stating bigger objects pack more punch! However, in the domain of logo design specific to mobile applications, being big is a crime! It is regarding communicating the power of your brand in a small icon.
Let us discuss the parameters for designing the world of small logos, intended for mobile applications.
The logo design Cairns companies strive to create logos for various application platforms in small-sized icons, yet striking on their own right.
Space constraint
It is implicitly difficult to express your ideas in such a small space. The mobile application images can vary depending on the medium; however, a standard specification of 16 by 16 pixels is what is followed.

The other challenge is to keep the same clarity of image in the minimised or small canvas. The icon may look grand on its own, but when scaled down to actual size it may be difficult to distinguish the intrinsic details. So it is imperative to create a simplified, brighter and bold logo that can draw the same idea but with better clarity.

Color Palett

The latest technology in mobile screens has far superior color profundity and smoothness, but they differ widely with the diverse mobile models. In consequence, Graphic design Cairns companies make it necessary for their designers to work within the original 16-color palette to maintain consistent high-class color shades across all mobile devices.
Visual legibility
The logo design should at least match tangentially to the full-sized logos from the parent brand of the product to give a seamless brand identity of the product across various mediums.
Simplicity Ideate more but keep the visual simple, as elaborate icons in a competitive market place does not come out well on small screen devices.
The last leg of challenge in creation for logo design cairns firms lies is tuning them to be adaptive to gear up for functioning, in all standard or landscaped orientation. It is a real balancing act of optimising and creating a logo for desktops, tablets and mobile devices with diverse screen sizes and interfaces, without affecting or slowing down the applications or devices.
It is all about the perception in designing, as many graphic designers consider it an art, but considering mobile application logo designing, it’s definitely real science. The processes of designing are well laid out - you need to blend them with your ideas to make a winning edge in this fiercely competitive world of logo designing!

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