Monday, 22 July 2013

The Futuristic Platform of Websites for Mobile Devices

The amount of time and money people are now spending on mobile devices is on the rise and yet many businesses skipped the reation of a mobile friendly website. The mobile devices are an important and growing channel for all future businesses and to adapt to this world, redesigning is the buzzword!
Let’s discuss the key steps for redesigning websites for mobile devices:

Modify the existing site

Businesses cannot afford to ignore the fact that more than a billion populace primarily access the web from handheld devices. It is the worst business strategy to ignore your mobile audience altogether.

If you are not prepared to reconstruct your site immediately, the least you can do is edit the design in websites for mobile devices.

Editing site design.

First of all, pull up your website on a smart phone and view it on Google and you will probably feel the need for design changes. The key aspects of a mobile friendly website lies in making simpler page styles, layout, large font sizes, minimal use of heavy images, clear name and contact details and full-sized touch keys that are finger-proof. These small steps go a long way in conveying key information and making the data effortlessly accessible on any device.

Mobile version of the site.

As an alternative to editing your site, create a similar version. However, if your mobile site has a secondary URL, search engines may perhaps not find the site as most search engines promote one-URL approach for searching and SEO. The other better option is to create a mobile site that links to your main site and users have a choice to get redirected to the mobile site.

Redesigning the site

Start the planning for the rebuilding process, by firstly deciding whether your website necessitates being adaptive or responsive in design. There are two basic strategies for building websites compatible to mobile devices:

— Adaptive website design is a high end, expensive design option used by big corporate houses that invest profoundly to reach the largest possible online audience. This design senses and categorises the user's device and then spawns a webpage matched to the device’s capabilities.

— Responsive website design is an affordable solution, which uses the technology of Cascading Style Sheets, to generate a single version of website that automatically fine-tunes to exhibit properly on all devices. This design permits you to reach the majority of active net audiences

The road ahead

Along with all other major investment decisions for your company, make the website redesigning high on priority, as you need to steer your reach to customers in all possible ways including all hand held devices, computers and latest televisions. A professional designer can create a good customised website with the right technology to suit your business needs. Create your website with a futuristic outlook to give your surfers quick and easy access, give them links to maps and directions, and then insert video or other delights to keep them hooked on to your site.

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