Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Tips for Making Your Website Attract More traffic

Of the various tools in your marketing arsenal, your web design for small business is certainly the most powerful. A well designed and laid out website can fetch you the competitive edge and add that little extra to your online presence. If you have a smart website in place, then you can make your customers stay, browse and purchase your products—instead of moving on to the websites of your competitors. This in turn means more sales revenues and higher profits for your business.

Whether it is about availing the services of small business bookkeeping agents or finding experienced professionals to help you with an innovative web design for small business houses, you can now implement your vision and set yourself on the path of success by achieving your purpose—quickly and in an easy way.
Given below are some valuable tips to keep in mind before investing in a user-friendly and eye catching website for your business.

Branding: A professional looking website requires a strong brand identity to instill higher levels of confidence in clients and perspective buyers. Fortunately, you can achieve your target of looking bigger than what you actually are by placing your logo in a prominent position and making using of some smart branding techniques to boost your overall sales. Your other marketing materials should also have the same logo—to make your brand all the more familiar and consistent.

Simplicity: Keep it simple. Too much of information and clutter makes customers wary and weary of clicking around for information. Clear site designs and well organized links allow clients to relax and make them enjoy their visits to your website.

Fonts: Readability should be the guiding force behind your choice of font style and size. You website may be accessed by people having different levels of vision and so it is important to make the sites as inclusive as possible—rather than focus solely on design and attractive fonts.

Graphics: Pictures always speak louder than words and more so when they highlight your products or business services. They are both eye catching and attractive and enhance the areas which demand greater attention from your clients. The relevancy of your site and search engine ratings is connected with the correct mix of text and graphics—making it important to resist the temptation to put in a lot of clipart and pictures. Too many visual images can also make your website slow.

Text: At least 250 words of text should go on each page of your website. Bullet points, formatting and numbered lists allow you to lay more emphasis on the important parts of your textual content—and should be used wherever possible.

Along with a high degree of transparency and navigability, your website should also be readily accessible on search engines and easily understood by your customers.

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